
Restaurant Patron Falls Through Cellar Doors

This freak accident occurred at a bar in Manhattan. Our client met a friend for a drink at a restaurant in the West Village. He entered through the front door and sat at a table with his back facing the sidewalk. At the end of his meal, he got up and turned to leave the restaurant through the open French doors. Unbeknownst to him, the cellar doors on the sidewalk had been left open after the kitchen staff received a delivery.

As our client turned to leave, he fell through the open doors, landing 8 feet below. Fortunately, some bags filled with garbage cushioned his fall. Even with the softened landing, he sustained a torn MCL, and 2 herniated discs that ultimately required disc replacement surgery.  (This settlement took place during the Covid-19 crisis of 2020 when the court system was completely shut down.)

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